Jinan Weihua Machinery & Equipment Co.,Ltd.
Jinan Weihua Machinery & Equipment Co.,Ltd.
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Laser Machine

Weihua Laser machines offer comprehensive laser processing solutions, including engraving, marking, welding, cleaning and cutting. They feature fast speed, high precision, and environmental friendliness without pollution. With advanced technology and excellent engineering capabilities, our laser machine for sale can ensure high-quality results in various industries and improve productivity, let you experience the outstanding performance and precision of Weihua Laser Machine.

Laser Machine Types

Co2 Laser Engraving & Cutting Machine

Weihua's Co2 Laser Engraving & Cutting Machine offers precise and versatile capabilities for engraving and cutting materials. Experience excellent quality and efficiency with our advanced laser technology.

Laser Welding Machine

Laser welding machines use high-energy lasers for precise and efficient welding of materials in manufacturing and fabrication processes.

Laser Cleaning Machine

Laser cleaning machine employ lasers to remove contaminants, rust, and coatings from surfaces in a non-abrasive and eco-friendly manner.

Fiber Laser Cutting Machine

Fiber laser cutting machine utilize high-powered laser beams to precisely cut metal sheet and metal pipes in industrial applications with speed and accuracy.
Advantages of Weihua Laser Machine

Advantages of Weihua Laser Machine

Advantages of Weihua Laser Machine
Precision and Efficiency
Precision and Efficiency

Weihua's laser machines offer exceptional precision, ensuring accurate cuts, engravings, or markings on various materials, boosting production efficiency.

Advantages of Weihua Laser Machine

Weihua's laser machines are versatile, capable of handling a wide range of materials, from metals to plastics and more, making them suitable for diverse industrial applications.

Advantages of Weihua Laser Machine
Advanced Technology
Advanced Technology

Weihua integrates cutting-edge laser technology, providing reliable, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly solutions, reducing operational costs.

Laser Machine Working Principle

  • The working principle of a laser machine is based on the concept of stimulated emission. It starts with the excitation of atoms or molecules in a medium, such as a crystal or gas, to a higher energy level. This excitation can be achieved through various methods, such as electrical discharge or optical pumping.

  • Once the particles are in their excited state, they can spontaneously emit photons. However, in a laser machine, the emitted photons are not released randomly. Instead, they stimulate other excited particles to emit photons of the same wavelength and phase. This creates a chain reaction, resulting in the emission of a coherent and monochromatic beam of light.

  • To achieve this, the laser machine uses a medium that can amplify the emitted photons. This medium is often placed between two mirrors, forming an optical cavity. One mirror is partially reflective, allowing some of the photons to escape as the laser beam, while the other mirror is fully reflective, reflecting the photons back into the medium for further amplification.

  • The laser beam can then be directed and manipulated using various optical components, such as lenses and mirrors. This allows the laser machine to perform a wide range of applications, including cutting, engraving, and welding in industries like manufacturing, healthcare, and research.

Weihua provides high-quality laser machines
Weihua provides high-quality laser machines
No.12111 Jingshi Road, Lixia District, Jinan, Shandong Province, China